
Revision as of 11:11, 13 April 2014 by Titule (talk | contribs) (Chicken: Renamed to "Chickens", distinguish between food and livestock)
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Livestock in Banished provide a wide range of resources. Livestock reside in a pasture and include: chickens, cattle and sheep.[1]


Cattle being raised in a pasture.

Cattle are one type of livestock that can be raised in pastures.

Cattle are used for food (Beef) and for leather that can be made into clothing.[1]

Trade Cost

Cattle cost 800 from random merchants, and 1000 when custom ordered.


Sheep being raised in a pasture.

Sheep are one type of livestock that can be raised in pastures.

Sheep are used for food (Mutton) and for wool that can be made into clothing.

Trade Cost

Sheep cost 600 from random merchants, and 750 when custom ordered.



Chickens are one type of livestock that can be raised in pastures.

Chickens provide eggs and can be slaughtered for food (chicken).[1]

Price of chickens at the Trading Post.

Trade Cost

Chicken cost 400 from random merchants, and 500 when custom ordered.


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