
Revision as of 03:04, 3 June 2016 by J N Cressey (talk | contribs) (Tailoring: Added Resource Flow table)
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In Banished, crafting serves an important role, it progresses the initial settlement into a thriving town using resources to create better goods.

Crafting is split into three sections:


Main article: Blacksmith

Blacksmithing requires resources such as iron and logs to produce tools to make your citizens more efficent.

Resource Flow

Process Input Uneducated Worker Output Trading Value Change (Un-edu.) Educated Worker Output Trading Value Change (Edu.)
Iron Tools Iron + 1×Logs Iron Tool 1 profit Iron Tool 9 profit
Steel Tools Iron + 1×Logs + 1×Coal Steel Tool 3 loss Steel Tool 7 profit


A Tavern producing Plum Ale.
Main article: Tavern

A tavern produces ales, which consumes resources such as plums. Citizens then consume the ale, which raises their happiness.


Tailoring menu.
Main article: Tailor

A tailor can craft clothing from leather and wool to prevent your Citizens from freezing to death in winter.

Resource Flow

Process Input Uneducated Worker Output Trading Value Change (Un-edu.) Educated Worker Output Trading Value Change (Edu.)
Hide Coats Leather Hide Coat 5 loss Hide Coat 10 profit
Wool Coats Wool Wool Coat 5 profit Wool Coat 20 profit
Warm Coats Leather + 2×Wool Warm Coat 20 loss Warm Coat 10 profit
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