

Storage, Markets, and Trade

First Appearance


Max. Workers

25 vendors

Max. Capacity

10,000 weight units


The example on the right was made using this code:

|type = Storage, Markets, and Trade
|workers=25 [[vendor]]s
|capacity=10,000 [[weight unit]]s
Name Description Default value
imagearea The filename of the image to display. No image.png.
imagesize The horizontal width of the image, in pixels. For example: 290px. image width.
type The category to which the structure belongs. ?
appearance The version number of the first release in which this structure appeared. ?
workers The maximum number of workers and their occupation in this structure. For example: 25 vendors. Not visible.
capacity The maximum capacity of this structure. It can be items, citizens, etc.. For example: 10,000 weight units. Not visible.
maxproduction Depending on the building type, either the maximum amount of goods that can be produced in building's lifespan or, if the building's resources aren't finite, the amount of goods that can be produced in one year. For example: 3,0000 fish/yr or 100,000 stone. Not visible.

See also

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