Tough as Nails

Tough As Nails[1] is a survival mode that adds more realistic elements to the game. It helps to increase the difficulty though such features as body temperature and thirst[2]. Body Temperature is impacted by many factors:

  • Biome Temperature
  • Hot/Cold Source Blocks
  • Heating/Cooling Coils
  • Sprinting
  • Armor
  • Time of day
  • Weather
  • Wetness
  • Seasons. It can be changed via the Serene Seasons mod. It changes the weather, crops, colors and more.

Your character’s body temperature is shown between health and hunger. Depending on the temperature, its color varies from blue, to gray and orange. At the far ends of the temperature scale, the body temperature icon will change to a snowflake/flame. It will mean you are close to hypothermia or hyperthermia, which can cause your death.

You can control your body temperature in many ways. For instance, you can make a campfire, which requires little resources, but gives you the desired warmth. To avoid overheating you can swim in the water. Other options for cooling off and warming up include using wool, or jelled slime armor, heating and cooling coils, and other ones – your imagination should not be limited.

You have to remember that it takes some time for your body temperature to change. Consider this when you notice you are close to hypothermia/hyperthermia. The temperature will change as fast as your health level, wetness, biome humidity, and other conditions allow. You can also craft a thermometer to monitor the temperature of the environment.

You can support the Tough As Nails mod on Patreon[3].


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