
Revision as of 15:32, 7 November 2013 by Icypanda44 (talk | contribs)

In Banished, food is one of the most important resources, as the player's citizens are under the constant threat of starvation.

Food Production

A group of Crop Fields.

There are several methods of producing food.


Main article: Farming

Farming can be considered a sustainable method of producing food for your citizens. However, farming has to be planned ahead, as harvesting your first crops after you plant them can take 2-4 years.

Deer grazing.


Main article: Hunting

Hunting can be a quick way of gathering food, which is especially useful in the early stages of the game, however, it is important to note that deer is a finite resource and excessive hunting can degrade the population to such an extent that they become extinct, this will cause the player great problems when feeding their citizens in the long-run.

A Fishing Dock.


Main article: Fishing

Fishing is a source of food in Banished. However, taking fish faster than they can reproduce will lead to their extinction and can lead to the starvation of your citizens[1]

A Trading Post.


Main article: Gatherer

Berries and mushrooms can be gathered from those growing wild. The Gatherers hut provides a base for these workers to operate from, increasing their scope of operation.

Gathering berries.


Main article: Trading Post

Trading can take place once the player has creating a Trading Post and are visited by traders.

File:Trading Post.jpg
Trading at the trading post.


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