

Storage, Markets, and Trade

First Appearance


Max. Workers

25 vendors

Max. Capacity

10,000 weight units

The market acts as a centralized location of resources for your citizens. It is the location where citizens can collect items such as food and firewood to bring to their homes.[1] Your citizens no longer have to walk long distances to collect said items, and they will therefore be back to their job much faster, increasing productivity. Each market has a capacity of 10000 weight units. Therefore a market can store a total of 69 weight units per tile.

A maximum of 25 vendors can be assigned to work at the market. The more vendors, the more items can be transferred from storage buildings to the market to be distributed.

The market has a range of 90 squares (diameter). Every citizen within this range will prefer to get goods from the market.

The market also has a well. The well is there for aesthetic purposes and it will not help in case of a fire.

Market in a town.

Building Cost

Resource Amount


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