Tailor (Building)


Resource Production

First Appearance


Max. Workers

1 tailor

Display menu for the Tailor showing some items that can be created in the game.

A tailor is a structure in which the tailor works to craft warm clothing from leather and/or wool. Clothes prevent your citizens from freezing to death in winter.

Creating clothes offers advantages to the player as it allows the citizens to stay outside longer and travel further in winter, thus allowing them to be more productive.

Resource Flow

Each time a Tailor works at this building, they will turn input resources into clothing as per the following table. The quantity of resources taken as input, each time the worker crafts, is always the same, but the quantity of clothing produced with those resources depends on the worker's education status.

Process Input Uneducated Worker Output Trading Value Change (Un-edu.) Educated Worker Output Trading Value Change (Edu.)
Hide Coats Leather Hide Coat 5 loss Hide Coat 10 profit
Wool Coats Wool Wool Coat 5 profit Wool Coat 20 profit
Warm Coats Leather + 2×Wool Warm Coat 20 loss Warm Coat 10 profit

Building cost

Resource Amount

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